So I did it....

So this was my very first Imbolc. I know that sounds off, I am after all 41 years old and I've been Wiccan for many years. I never really got into the ritual of it all. I was always about live and let live and the rule of three, but never felt the need to participate in a ritual.

When we moved back to NC my husband build me an altar. It has a lovely triple goddess carving in the back and it's got a spot for my books. After I started practicing again I found that I was drawn to the the altar. I wanted to take part in the ritual. I wanted the magic of it all.

Today was amazing. I completed the blessing from beginning to end. Now I had used candle magic in the past and had done a binding/protection spells; but really the only sabbaths I participated in were for Samhain, Beltane and Yule. I'm so glad I decided to do this.

With our new lifestyle, organic and vegetarian, it only made sense to work with the seeds and have a proper ceremony. Unfortunately I didn't have any ritual wear (other than skyclad) so I was just in my regular clothes but it was so worth it.

I'm looking forward to so many more to come. Each and every day I become more and more in line with that girl in the mirror... that one that looks back at me and now smiles at what she sees.

Blessed Be.


Alexis Kennedy said...

Woohoo!! Go Sosanna!
What an awesome blog post!

I'd love to see pics of the altar hubby built for you if you are okay with sharing it :)

Hugs, blessings and Happy Imbolc!

Rev. Renee Olson said...

Awww Thanks Kallan... I've posted a couple previously but I'll add a new post with the photos. :)

Lilac Wolf (Angie or Angela) said...

Good for you - and I'm sure that clothing - any clothing is fine. I've never bought the skyclad thing, it would have been REALLY cold outside! :D

Rev. Renee Olson said...

Yeah, it would have been. We didn't have snow here, but it was still a crisp 33 degrees. I might work on something a bit fancier next time, but for now... working with the flames its probably best to keep the sleeves as short as possible!