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Green Witch Magick - A Review

 Today I'm reviewing Green Witch Magick - Essential Plants and Crafty Spellwork for a Witch's Cupboard by Susan Ilka Tuttle.

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  • On-sale Date: November 16, 2021

I'll start with a review of the physical book.  This book is a great size. I love that it can fit in a purse or a handbag and be ready to pull out when I'm waiting for an appointment or on the train. There are lots of full color photos in this book including full page photos of botanicals and illustrations of plants and salves and tinctures. For the amount of information that is in this book, I found the index to be a bit lean. I think that there is always room for more reference and helping the reader find exactly what they're looking for is essential in this type of book. The font is a good size and the weight of the book is nice.

The author begins by telling us sage advice on the use of herbs. I highly recommend reading this before getting started in using herbs. There are a great number of herbs that are perfectly safe in moderation. We need to take note when we're using a new herb and make sure we are very familiar with the herbs we use regularly. Mint for example can cause irrigation of mucus membranes and skin while lavender can cause constipation and increased appetite. Learn about your herbs and be sure to work with them in a safe manner.

Part I of this book is all about becoming a witch. The author guides us on stereotypes and stories about witches as well as what it really means to be a witch. She talks about Witchcraft and how paganism and the practice of Wicca differ.  When I came upon the section titled, Celebrating Diversity in the Witch community, I expected to read about LGBT or People of Color instead it was about natural born witches vs. solitary witches. She does however discuss cultural appropriation in a previous section and mentions the use of the terms "spirit animal" or "animal totem" specifically. Part 1 wraps up with a bit of history on the Green Witchcraft and gives an overview of the sabbats and other magical practices including, animism, crystal work and working with natural altars.

Part II of this book gives us 13 essential plants for our cupboard. I won't delve into each of these in this review. I do want to give the general overview of what to expect. The author gives us a sort of dating profile for each plant. There is a section on name and family as well as its correspondences. Lavender for example is in the Lamiaceae family and corresponds to Mercury, Gemini and Virgo.  It represents the element of Air and is said to transport you with its aroma to another time and place. We then are given its medicinal, culinary and magickal uses as well as a list of projects that are included in the book to incorporate the use of the plant into our spell work.

Part III of the book teaches us about herbal remedies and provides recipes for creating these remedies as well as steps for our magical workings. Included is a section on gardening, foraging and herbalism. From mint infused oils, to lip balm, the recipes in this book are simple to follow and easy to understand. The author takes the time to explain the different cooking techniques as well as the differences in carrier oils that are essential to understanding and creating a usable final product. 

The chapter on herbs in divination was my favorite. She reviews different divination practices and then provides recipes on oils and sprays to help impower your magical practice. Color magic, cleansing bouquets and simmering potpourri are included, which I found very useful. Filling a room with fragrances can be a wonderful way to represent the element of Air or even to act as an offering to the deities you work with. 

Over all a great introduction to working within the realm of green witchery. I found it to be a well researched and presented book with a good deal of information. I think that this book would be useful for the beginner and seasoned which alike. I do not have a background in hedge witch or kitchen witchery but I found the recipes easy to follow and the sections on each of the plants very easy to follow. I would recommend this book for a house warming or graduation gift. I think that it would be a great addition to your magical library.

I hope you found this review helpful. Be sure to check out these authors and please feel free to provide any feedback or ask your requests in the blog comments or directly to me via the chat button at the bottom of the page or via email.

