Resolutions - A Witch's View

This time of year many people start making resolutions to make changes to their lives.  Generally these promises include getting healthier. Many want to quit smoking, lose some weight or exercise more.  This leads to the onslaught of advertisements and sales on work out equipment and gym memberships.

Photo Credit - Elijah Olson

While it is admirable to take stock in your life and decide to make a pledge to change it for the better, it is still quite sad to see so many people quit.  Gyms are expensive and going there every day takes time and energy.  I recall living in California over 10 years ago and spending 2 hours a day at the gym.  This doesn't count the commute.  My gym was on Miramar Road which was one of the busiest roads in San Diego.  You could sit for hours waiting in traffic.  I could never get below 199 pounds.  I struggled daily with it.  After moving to NC I changed to a vegetarian diet and made my goal.  But it didn't last. Quickly I was back up to my old habits.  The bacon and the cheese biscuits didn't help.

Photo Credit - Elijah Olson

But I did rebound and get back in gear to start losing weight again.

Photo Credit - Renee Olson

Sadly after some family issues I slowly added the meat back into my diet.  And along with that meat came the weight.  For many years I sat here in sadness trying to over come the impact that these issue played in my life.  And only recently have I gone back to removing meat products from my life but also actually caring about who I am.

We place a lot of focus on what we want our bodies or our lives to be. We don't need a gym to get healthy. We need the drive to do it.  I saw this video recently and it really spoke to me.

As you get started with your resolutions for the new year, make them attainable. Make them sincere and make them in your own best interest.  As you can see, just over the last 10 years, my goals sometimes fell to the wayside to my detriment.  Be loyal to the most important person in the world. 


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