The moon is one of the most important bodies to me and many
witches alike. She controls the tides on
our planet and even the tides within the bodies of women and in my opinion men
as well, though less apparent.
We use the phases of the moon to preform our magic. Each phase has a different skill set, if you
will, allowing us to start new projects, wrap up old one and banish negativity
from us. The magic of the moon has been
in my life since I was a small child. I
remember laying outside on the ground looking up that the full moon in all her
glory, tracing the craters with my eyes, memorizing her shape and
features. I was look up at her and know
that somewhere, out there, somewhere my soul mate was lying on the ground,
looking up at her and thinking of me as well.
Over the years my faith changed and like any other organic
being I thrived wherever I was planted; always looking to the moon for
Today I find myself in the service of the Goddess
Hecate. Her Moon is the Dark Moon. I find myself doing much of my spell work for
spiritual purposes during this time.
However my first love is still that big ole full moon in all her
When my hubby and I were first dating he came to the door
one night to pick me up for a date and grabbed my hand… He said, “Follow me, I
have something for you.” I took his
hand and we walked down the steps of the townhouse and out to the road. There just above the street lights of Scripts
Ranch was the biggest moon I had ever seen.
She was amazing. He said, “Look
what I got for you.”
To this day, when we see the moon we still embrace,
surrounded by the energy and that wonderful moon magic.
Recently after one of my rituals I found myself lying in the
moonbeams. My bed is positioned so that
when the moon is full, the moon beams come in and dance across my bed
sheets. I rolled over to cuddle closer
to my hubby and felt the energy surge through my body. Softly caressing the buttons across my
handmade quilt, I felt it rise and fall.
My breath quickened and my heart fluttered just a bit as the
circles I drew with my fingers round the buttons moved faster and more
deliberate. I pointed my toes and
embraced the moon’s energy filling my body completely. The power was astonishing.
I've tried to venture back to that spot, where I felt that
energy several times over the last year and it escapes me. Only once have I been able to draw down the
energy and have it fill my entire body.
I’m still not completely sure if the energy I felt was of the Goddess’
energy entering me or what. The deep
rhythmic motion sometimes leads me to believe that perhaps it was more like a
magical moon masturbation instead.
Either way, on each full moon, you’ll find me there lying in
wait for her satisfying return.
& Blessed Be
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