C is for Correspondence
cor·re·spond·ence [kawr-uh-spon-duhns, kor-]
communication by exchange of letters.
2. a letter
or letters that pass between correspondents: It will take me all day to answer
this business correspondence.
3. Also,
correspondency. an instance of corresponding.
similarity or analogy.
agreement; conformity.
In Magic,
correspondences are items used to correspond or relate to an item. For example, the stone (actually a resin)
Amber corresponds to the element of fire, the Sun and it thought to be related
to clarity, confidence and strength.
Amethyst is a form of quartz crystal.
It corresponds to the element of water and the astrological signs of
Aquarius and Pisces. It is said to be a
healing stone and helps relieve stress, anxiety and depression.
There are
correspondences for everything from Gods and Goddesses to plants and
seeds. A quick search
on Amazon.com will give you a full list of assorted books that will assist
with some of the comparisons. One of the
more popular is Llewellyn’s
Complete Book of Correspondences.
I've not
done a great deal of across the board research on all correspondences. I have worked mainly with crystal and candle
magic. I use blue candles for healing,
green for prosperity and red as my Goddess candle. Red is thought to represent Hecate/Hekate.
Other correspondences
for Hecate are:
Animals –
Dogs, red mullet, frogs, serpent and sheep. Hecate has been depicted with the
heads of a cow, dog, boar, serpent and horse.
Plants –
Garlic, belladonna, willow, leek and mandrake.
The Greeks would hang yew around the necks of black bulls which were
sacrificed in Hecate’s honor.
Associations – keys, as she holds the Keys to the underworld to assist in the travel
from life to death. Torches – as she is
a light bringer.
These are
not the only correspondences to Hecate and some of these may cross over to
other deities as well. As I read more and more I learn that there
many have a lot of ideas around what is and is not related to a particular
The most
common discrepancy I see today is that Hecate represents the crone aspect of
the Triple Goddess. In all the images
showing Hecate she does not appear to be of any “older” age. In her Triple form statues all the faces
appear to be the same age. The concept
of Maiden Mother and Crone is a relatively new idea and usually is found in
In her video
“Is Hekate the “Crone” of the 20th Century Maiden Mother Crone
Triple Goddess”, Sorita D’Este discusses the way Hecate may have been added in
this ideology.
When setting
up my altar for Hecate, I’ll add eggs, leeks and honey. This I take out and leave at my offering spot
at the physical crossroads.
In looking
at all the information out there keep in mind that everyone has their own ideas
about correspondences. There are times
when many of these will cross over to other deities.
& Blessed Be
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