Many many many years ago before Facebook, Blogger and yes
even Google, I was on the web. Now it wasn't the web then, not as we know it today.
It was a collection of modems in a huge bank attached to a set of
servers. Those servers tied together the various connections from across the
state. My “online” life started at Cupid’s
Playpen BBS.
Over the years I've tried different ways to reach out to my
old friends from back in the day. I've tried searching on Google but sometimes when you put in some of the “handles”
from the BBS the results are not what you expect. Those that remember try searching for Magica,
or Brandi Bitch… How Lodi or Blue. Not
one single hit for Interlock either…
We had weekly meet ups at Pockets Billiards in Virginia Beach
on Saturday nights and Friday’s was at Pinboys in Norfolk with
Rock-N-Bowl. There were many parties and
picnics where we met in “real life” to spend time together. Either to talk about the latest chat drama or
to confront a killer in TA, we always had a great time!
A while back I found a site called
BBSmates. This site listed all the different BBS from
back then and I did end up finding a few of my friends. I have to say however, nothing
took off like the
Group that we created. After
searching and finding a few old friends they each sorta rolled into place and
now the memories of the old days are fresh in my head.
Summer Pic-nics
Photo Credit - Cupid's Playpen Group - Facebook |
Photo Credit - Cupid's Playpen Group - Facebook
Photo Credit - Cupid's Playpen Group - Facebook
Photo Credit - Cupid's Playpen Group - Facebook
Photo Credit - Cupid's Playpen Group - Facebook
Photo Credit - Cupid's Playpen Group - Facebook
Holiday Parties
Photo Credit - Cupid's Playpen Group - Facebook
Photo Credit - Cupid's Playpen Group - Facebook
Pockets Billiards
Photo Credit - Cupid's Playpen Group - Facebook
Photo Credit - Cupid's Playpen Group - Facebook
Photo Credit - Cupid's Playpen Group - Facebook
Photo Credit - Cupid's Playpen Group - Facebook
Photo Credit - Cupid's Playpen Group - Facebook
Photo Credit - Cupid's Playpen Group - Facebook
So much time I spent with these wonderful people. I’m not calling out names here because some
may still be in the Cupid’s Closet so to those dear friends out there....
Thanks for the Memories.
Photo Credit - Cupid's Playpen Group - Facebook
Namaste & Blessed Be
Omgs, you posted pictures of me! LOLOL.. those were the days, eh sis?
No kidding! I didn't call anyone out in the pictures, Cupid's was sometimes like a support group! LOL Anyway, yup those were the days. :)
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