Killing Us Softly....

I've never been much of a feminist. I've always felt as though in my particular dynamic that there is a feminine and a masculine. That masculine was in charge so to speak, but held to a higher standard. Open my door, order my dinner, treat me like a lady. I in turn, treat "him" as the "man of the house". In the south, it's an easy dynamic to keep. I really don't want to talk to the salesman at the car lot or the folks that drop buy our house to sell us vinyl siding. Good for me that's "his" job. I also don't clean up dog poop or anything else gross... yes that's a man's job. So I too am guilty of gender based bias. I didn't realize how ingrained it is in our society until my lovely daughter send out a Facebook update that said, Hey, check this out.

It's a video serious of 5 parts called "Killing Us Softly", I am absolutely amazed at how embedded sexual discrimination is in our advertising. This is why women feel the way they do and why women of color are treated the way they are. I was appalled and amazed at the same time. I never saw it. I'm going to add the first part of this series here. Please take a moment to view all five parts.


Lilac Wolf (Angie or Angela) said...

And it's not getting any better.

Rev. Renee Olson said...

Agree with you there.... :(

Alexis Kennedy said...

Wow, a definite eye-opener! thanks for sharing, Sosanna!

Myster said...

Wow. thanks for posting the video! I haven't seen them, but I went to an all women's college and since my time of graduating I have found that I am quite the feminist compared to the average citizen... It is amazing how ingrained gender roles are in our society.... it's simply amazing. and sickening.

Rev. Renee Olson said...

Completely agree...