Hecate's association with keys is deeply symbolic, metaphorically speaking, representing her power to both lock and unlock. As a goddess...
Where Are Your Gods Now - Worship Through the Ages
Hecate's Month?
Hecate and the Beloved Dead
Hecatean Magic - Love Magic and the Iynx Wheel
Entryway Protection Spell
Hecate's Dagger
Hecate's Night
Exploring Hecate Brimo: Enhancing Your Connection with the Goddess of Witchcraft
Can I Call on Hecate for My Magical Work?
The Goddess Returns
Elegba & Hecate
Full Moon Prayer to Hecate
Reflection Spell with Hecate
Bringing Hecate into Your Daily Life
Blood Incense
An Introduction to Threshold Altar
An Introduction to Crossroads Altars